Friday, April 27, 2012


Because it's Friday. I had a good energy this morning and uploaded a "Sunrise" for Puddingners. A few of my followers dropped some comment on it and one that grabbed my cautious. From commenting, it led to chatting and I had a hard time in searching the best words in replying her. So far, I am a beginner in reading Korean, barely understand its meaning and zero point in writing it. 

She is a newlywed and just about few days ago,  she had miscarriage her baby. I lost in searching a good words to console her. Seriously I'm no good in expressing my sympathy to others including to my family members. Like when my mom had to go under knife, I looked like no worries in appearance which stirred many questions. I do worry about my family, I am just not that expressive. I tend to look strong and dependable but I would categorize myself as a timid person. Indeed without a supporting sentence, a picture could tell various stories.

With the help of some friends who knew about Korean. I successfully replied her. Hope that she could feel my sincerity as I typed those consoling words.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


I was quiet late this morning. Pretty tired and I don't wish to jump out from my bed. To add more, the weather plays along too - a gloomy day. Really I want to tell a lie "I am sick" and no need to go for work but my devil side never win it.

As I was driving, someone on motorbike stop by my side and knocked. He smiled at me. For a second, I couldn't remember and slowly I traced his rounded face and AHA!!! he is my long long long time driver. He used to be my driver when I was a little girl. I've never met him since the day he resigned (about 9 years). He looked totally fine.

Just reminiscing the past together with my mom and brother over yesterday lunch. I still remembered blurry how I almost died for two times. I can live in this world is a miracle. For the first time I heard from my mom that when I was a week age. I fell in sick and barely inhaled. Phew~ lucky my parents hurriedly took me to doctor. The second time, when the nanny fed lunch to me. She must have not much  patience in waiting me to munch. I am a slow muncher just as you know. She kept scooped the food in my mouth until air couldn't find its way in and out. And I passed out. I must ever went to heaven but forgotten how it looked like ha ha ha~

Sunday, April 22, 2012


I had a lunch together with W and E yesterday. I couldn't remember the last time we had lunch by Saturday. Though I had to work but still spare a two-worthy-hours to dine with them. It's not like we didn't call each other by phone but the feeling is just different to a chat face to face. Btw, the waiter heard me wrong. I ordered for Irish latte and he gave me Iced latte but it was still a good treat.

W is tying a knot soon. To my surprise, she will have her wedding the same date as my birthday. *wiping tears* she'll definitely snatching away my spotlight but I'll be cool because I never really celebrate my birthday though he he he~

Diet always been the hottest topic among us. ha ha ha~ I don't know much about my height and the two of them insisted me as a 158cm and according to W's calculation I should only have 48Kg (I'm 54Kg now!!!). Omg…6Kg to shove off so "bye-bye" my dear foods. I'll be back when I am allowed.  

Friday, April 20, 2012


Birthday party doesn't have to be banquet. As long as you are celebrating with closed one, you would feel grateful won't you? Last Tuesday, we had a little birthday celebration with Ev at one of our favorite and trusted cafe in town. I am not sure since when she was called as Jengkol and we actually gave a kilo of it as her gift. 

We made it as a jewelery set. I have never tried Jengkol which I heard most of the times, your weewee will have unpleasant smell so no-thank-you to give it a try he he he~

We arrived late and most of the dished sold out. Finally I had this honey chicken for dinner. Though my food was served but I had no chance to have a bite because of the birthday girl insisted me took as many pictures of her. She didn't know that I've been starving and about to collapse.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


It is not my abdominal but my car Abs sensor has broken down yesterday morning. Just when I was about to go for work. An "check engine" light on and asked one of my worker who used to be a mechanic. I bought his explanation that it won't have much affected and still can drive in near distance. So I plotted a script in my head - after I dropped by the office, I would take my car to auto clinic for check up. Soon as I was pressing hard on its gas, it didn't accelerate and its speedometer acted strangely - 120km/hour when my car was in P mode. Now I have to take out amount of money to get it repair.

Monday, April 16, 2012


I was planning to meet up with friends but couldn't because some of them had left for vacation and some already had their own lives as a married couples. Then I grabbed my phones, scrolled up and down to seek some companion. Saw from A to Z names yet none of them, I could contact to. Rather than being sad, it knocked my conscience which has been in sleep-mode I guessed - I don't make many friends within these years. Gee~

Where has "friends will always be there when you need them" all gone? I really need to get out and play last Sunday but they were saying to no avail. The whole day, I tried to beautify my Sunday by lurking on pudding and uploaded my spaghetti. Doesn't it looks appealing? It's a good thing that I found this social networking. Though mom always reminds me not to speak to strangers

All of sudden, I  really missed Italy. Ok…it's not about Italy but I too want to have my vacation. October shouldn't walk this slow. It's really killing me!!!!! to be a listener all these days. 

Saturday, April 14, 2012


I'm a nespresso fans and this morning I tried to have Robusta home dripped which I've bought for weeks. The coffee smells so good and fresh. I was trying to unplug my electric kettle and PANG!!! - it exploded. Lucky enough none of my hands and body received any injuries. Later on, few of window curtains fell down in my room. Now, the outside of the world can see through inside my room. Haih~. Unlucky occurrence visited again, I was ready to leave for work and my shirt had some dirt on it. I had no idea where I got that and hurriedly changed my clothes. It's so creepy...I'm going to have an extra careful for today.

Oh yeah~ today I already have an appointment for haircut. Don't tell me that I'm going to encounter another creepy moment. That can not be happening right? let's pray for now~

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Where were you doing when earthquake struck off? Running out of the building? Updating status? or perhaps you are me? Staying inside the building. The reasons I preferred to stayed inside whilst all of my coworkers hurriedly run for the safety outside the building; there are too many tall buildings and power cables in my neighborhood. If all these things collapse, not only get hit by building but also burnt by electric. Not saying I have an ideal theory but this is something that I believe in. 

After being shook for about 5 minutes, I was getting dizzy. If it was more than 5 minutes, I might vomit. Though it stopped, but telecommunication couldn't be used for some time. And that troubled my work field. I couldn't sending the goods to customers until this morning. It's a relieved that Tsunami didn't happened. 

Btw, I found a way to keep my Dunkin' Donut still has its moisture after a night. I placed my donut into the plastic bag and tied it - no air can get through. No more rough texture donut ^>^

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I'm petting a cactus ^_^. I bought it last Sunday as I gave up to hang out with my friends at Sun Plaza. Finding a parking bay at there is stressful. I went up and down the building for an hour but the lucky wasn't on my side. Why cactus? maybe it is easier to take care for ha ha ha~ I asked the gardener how frequent do I need to watering it. I only need to watering it one or twice in a week. wow that is very easy. Hope that I could learn a little bit responsibility by taking a good care for it.

I was pretty tired by working all alone. My coworker had her a day off. And went to bed very early but was awaken of having a hard time to breathe. It felt like not so many Oxygen in my room. Is it because I placed my cactus in my room which I've been told not to?

Monday, April 9, 2012


I don't like my Sunday because I need to go for work again. It was because of the staff doesn't know how to do a daily report. She always make mistake so I went there to guide her. Just by thinking of it, I'm so tired of it. Where's my private time? After I accompanied my mom to our favorite supermarket, I rushed to work. Later, the boss came and shared some of his visions and worries of this business. Because shortage of staff, the business is progressing slow. He repeatedly telling to jump into this business but I have no courage to start business…yet. He keeps pushing me to the cliff and I'm about to fall now. Will I succeed it? What if I fail? How will he treat me if I disappoint him? Though he always telling me that one needs to become a failure once to gain experience but I am still too afraid of your lifetime sarcasm statement towards me.

Luckily, I finished the work just in time for lunch, since last week, my mom eagerly wanted to try the new Korean restaurant in town - UFC. So we went there, I proudly introduced its spicy fried chicken for my mom and spicy fish burger for myself.  I got my burger and finished them slowly but its fried chicken hasn't come out. Perhaps waiting another couple of minutes, I told myself that that the food will  be served. I could see a great disappointment in my mom's eyes. So I canceled the order and rushed to the nearer cafe - Wak Noer.

I've been to this cafe several times but never had I entered their new section - TWG. Not saying that the other design is bad but I prefer the new one - a homey and quite spacious too comparing to its other. Soon as we were guided to our table, I asked them to prepare Mee Sop first because mom hasn't eaten anything and lunch times has already passed.

I like this chips a lot. Especially after soaked them for some time in its soup. 

Though I already had my fish burger earlier *not that great* so I shared this lontong sayur with my mom.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


I've been hesitating to blog about A gave me a cute samurai doll from Japan. I've been waiting for her postcard which I requested on the day she went for a vacation. Even after she had returned safely for a month, the postcard hasn't reached on me yet. Perhaps, she forgot to attach a stamp on it or lost in some where.

Funny stories that A shared with me that she and her friends had to visit police station several times. I was startled to hear that. I was thinking they committed some crime at there. You - readers must have the same thought as mine right? No worries, they visited police station to seek some directions. huahuahua.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Each months, I am quite pre occupied with budget marketing plans. There are so many upcoming plans which giving a FREE gifts for our customers. Most of the time, I feel insecure to qualified these proposals. They were handed to me, well written and explaining why their events will gain a double profits in return and "please" sign the proposal. By all means, no matter what, I have no other choice but have to sign the proposal sigh~

Pressure is not coming from there only. Recently, I am in charge in handling a new business which my dad boss wants to do. I'm still lacking in many areas about this business and so does he. He always complaints about this and that. How I should do this and that. Not only I had the swinging mood for the past 2 months, he also has it - throwing tantrums just about every minute every day.

And last Thursday, as I was dealing with customer, the head of warehouse; G - barged into my room and told me that he  gave up his position. I was like huh? of not knowing what has happened. After explaining how he was being treated by the Sales Agents (SA).  I understood how he felt by hearing those harsh words or treatments. No matter how patient a person is, it could be really irritating and will explode one day. But as a mediator, I try to be as neutral as I can be. So I advised him to play along with their games. Don't let the emotion takes control the situation but brain. "One day they might feel how inferior you are. Because you're not easily hooked on their silly game. In the end, they 'll respect you" I told him. I can't believe that those advice came out from my mouth because I'm an emotional type as well sigh. 

Like my mom who had failed her Lontong at first, perhaps a little pressure, she nailed it now. Yeah~ I need to learn to deal things with my brain instead of being angry. After angry then realized how stupid and embarrassed for something unnecessarily to be mad of. Now, the question is how long I need to be patient?

Thursday, April 5, 2012


My mom over excited to serve us her new cooking dish - Lontong. Lontong is a rice based food. Normally people here eat them together with Sate Padang, Tauco or Pecal. My mom wanted to have Lontong pecal for lunch.

This morning, as I was reading morning news, sipping my espresso, she placed beautifully her Lontong on  dining table. From its color and shape, they were really so pretty and alluring. I kept thinking how it would tasted like.

Rushed home and couldn't see a glimpse of my mom's Lontong. Mom told me that she failed making Lontong and intended to give all of them to our pets. But that didn't stopping me to give it a try. Well it is true. It didn't taste like Lontong but hardened rice. I ate them deliciously even though she asked me not to eat them.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Last Sunday was our Seoul-mate anniversary. It has been a year. It feels like yesterday we had spicy rice-cakes by the streets to fight with the cold weather. Though we failed to see cherry blossom during our visit but we still enjoyed every moment of it. I really miss those moments and because we don't have any plans to have a trip together this year. We had a little celebration at UFC (Unidentified Fried Chicken).

Long before it was launched. One of my friend - L had told me about this #1 New York fast food chain. She didn't tell me the whole story and just informed me that there will have a Korean restaurant in town....Finally. Though it is not those typical Korean restaurant that serves, bibimbap, seollong-tang etc but I think it is a good start.

Okay. So we ordered most of its menu. and turned out not that great. The only dish which I could recommend is their Spicy fried chicken. That's it.

Its flavor doesn't come out strong. If I am not wrong, this is Bulgogi.

and what is this? I think it's chicken. over sweetness.

Chicken Kalbi. This is no good at all.

Mushroom soup. It is just an average taste.

Oh yeah! this is the highlight - Spicy fried chicken. Even I had a severe pain (canker) around my mouth and it was swollen. I could not resist to eat them. Now that, I almost recover from canker. I might taking my mom to have this chicken again.