Thursday, April 26, 2012


I was quiet late this morning. Pretty tired and I don't wish to jump out from my bed. To add more, the weather plays along too - a gloomy day. Really I want to tell a lie "I am sick" and no need to go for work but my devil side never win it.

As I was driving, someone on motorbike stop by my side and knocked. He smiled at me. For a second, I couldn't remember and slowly I traced his rounded face and AHA!!! he is my long long long time driver. He used to be my driver when I was a little girl. I've never met him since the day he resigned (about 9 years). He looked totally fine.

Just reminiscing the past together with my mom and brother over yesterday lunch. I still remembered blurry how I almost died for two times. I can live in this world is a miracle. For the first time I heard from my mom that when I was a week age. I fell in sick and barely inhaled. Phew~ lucky my parents hurriedly took me to doctor. The second time, when the nanny fed lunch to me. She must have not much  patience in waiting me to munch. I am a slow muncher just as you know. She kept scooped the food in my mouth until air couldn't find its way in and out. And I passed out. I must ever went to heaven but forgotten how it looked like ha ha ha~

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