Sunday, April 22, 2012


I had a lunch together with W and E yesterday. I couldn't remember the last time we had lunch by Saturday. Though I had to work but still spare a two-worthy-hours to dine with them. It's not like we didn't call each other by phone but the feeling is just different to a chat face to face. Btw, the waiter heard me wrong. I ordered for Irish latte and he gave me Iced latte but it was still a good treat.

W is tying a knot soon. To my surprise, she will have her wedding the same date as my birthday. *wiping tears* she'll definitely snatching away my spotlight but I'll be cool because I never really celebrate my birthday though he he he~

Diet always been the hottest topic among us. ha ha ha~ I don't know much about my height and the two of them insisted me as a 158cm and according to W's calculation I should only have 48Kg (I'm 54Kg now!!!). Omg…6Kg to shove off so "bye-bye" my dear foods. I'll be back when I am allowed.  

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