Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I thought I was going to die when the dentist began his job. My body tensed and hold in that tiring position until he put down his drill. Luckily,he checked and told me that only need to clean a little plague i had. *phew*

At first, I thought the doctor might have to take lots of time to cleanse my 20 year old plague. So, I'm quite impress because I only have little plague *grin*

Just as I was leaving the hospital, I was chased by a man dressed as parking officer. I already paid to the other guy so I pointed at the guy but the man anger and hit my car with his bare hand *confused*. Whilst the other guy kept gesturing me to go and don't bother at the man; at which I did. The man must be attracted by my re-born teeth. ha ha ha~ okay he might have a mental sickness.

Monday, January 30, 2012


Which side are you in? Father or Mother? he he he... If the menu is Fried rice, I am on the father side. The ingredients that the mom and the dad used are similar and basic - eggs, soy sauce, chili, onion but the taste is different.

Sometimes, the dad would add some minced meat or prawns. No matter what kind of version the dad came out. It always tastes great.

*last time I tried to photograph but the fried rice was missing. My sister had eaten it away.


Feeling like I am going to fall sick anytime soon. Or is it because of the weather these days. It is extremely hot outside. If not because of hunting a gift for Woongkook; we (Sylvia, Merry, and me) wouldn't have going out today and stayed at home. 

SUN Plaza is crowded and it is no surprise anymore.  Not just myself, but Sylvia and Merry also felt so dizzy because of the crowds. Quickly we bought the gift, and tried to find a place to settle our dizziness which is another adventure. Lucky Breeks cafe have some seat for us.

Merry had had her lunch by 5 noon. Sadly she had to eat a overly dry Chic Strips Pasta. *too dry*

Sylvia is being excited for her autumn korea soon *9 months to-go*, Kept questioning what to prepare. Being a little proud *grin*; Merry and me who had placed our feet on the land of the morning calm, telling our great escapades last spring 2011.  

The more we were narrating our stories, the more excited Sylvia is. In a glance, our Waffle Fries was quickly finished. Yeah we were talking much about Korean street foods that must be eaten during our stay. *a sudden hunger strikes now…*

I can't wait for my autumn escapades too~ enjoying hot Americano and  Brownies during cold weather is more delicious he he he~

Saturday, January 28, 2012

NYE 2011

I know it is a bit late to cover my New Year Eve 2011 but I still think needing to write something about it. 

Unlike the previous years, we had a glamorous party at some hotels or pubs. And this time, we only had a pretty decent foods and chat to accompany us the whole night.

Spaggeddies pizza. We ordered Meat lover, chicken and vegan for Sylvia.

Sylvia - our master chef. So nice of her to cook such a hearty soup. It is delicious *craving*

Chocolate peanut butter waffle. Thank you the 'So' siblings who earnestly brought it back from Penang. Though it has already cold and not crispy anymore but it didn't soggy at all and still yummy~

John King's Egg tart from Penang. A little ruined though hahaha~

Korean Rice Wine - Party will not complete without alcohol.

Our master chef Sylvia even made Ice-cream for us. She used soya milk so it's a low fat ice cream (according to her) hahaha. Another delicious dessert ^^

Our decent disappointing fireworks

Happy New Year 2012 ^___^
It was a memorable night. Hope we still can gather again in future. Especially our Woongkook Oppa who will be leaving Medan soon. Don't forget your Dongsaengs alright?


It felt like meeting an old friend that you have not been in contact for years. And probably you might have forgotten his / her existence. Yeah~ I'm a little too exaggerating it. ha ha ha. 

I was driving the mom to one of the supermarkets which we used to go back then to buy some drinks for our guests later during CNY. We bought Teh Botol Sosro [nation favorite tea in pack ^__^].

As I hunting for same snacks, I saw my childhood snacks - Potato snack.

Nice to meet you again, Pola. How have you been? he he he~

Salty. Sweet. Crunchy.

Friday, January 27, 2012


Since the dinner at Jade Marriott last Saturday [Lunar New Year's Eve]; the topic of getting hitched has tremendously becoming a hot issue in the house. Both of my parents kept on sending a "when do you plan to get married?" for her late 20s daughter. Especially  the dad who keeps on promoting his daughter to his friends. *face palm*

I know that they are worry about my future but speaking the truth, I think I'm able to survive on my own. I ever envisioned my future ;I - in late 30s, I will adopting a daughter and be a single mom. And my parents could come over to my house to sleepover. I might not becoming a super rich but I'm going to work hard and earn more money to support my family. 

I'm not pushing away any feeling that is given to me but I'm still hunting for the one that I could freely express myself and comfortably when I hang around with. Though it might takes lots of time, I will just be patience for now. he he he~ So mom and dad; don't worry...your daughter is normal. Just a little stubborn she is. If the worst has to come, the envision of mine should be conducted then.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


I used to really like the mood of Chinese New Year especially when I was still a kid - new clothes,red pockets and COOKIES ; to which most parents will not allowing their kids to consume much. And only during this occasion, I had the chance to eat cookies.

As I grew older, I'm getting afraid whenever CNY is coming. I would let my mouth wide open and eat all those tempting cookies by myself *sigh*

Milk Flavor.

Chocolate Flavor.

Cereal Cookies. Not the kind like coco crunch or its friends. It is the type of cereal that packed in a sachet and only need to pour hot water. You know it right? *blink*

Peanut Choco-chips cookies. This is bought by my sister. First time ever had this kind of cookies during CNY and the taste quite good because it's CHOCOLATE and who doesn't like it? ha ha ha~

Pineapple tart. This has become my top-list during CNY. I would compete my speed of eating it together with my sisters but I didn't do it anymore. I'm holding it back now because of my weight issue *sigh*

*no idea what it is called ha ha ha~. All I know that I would let the cookies itself melt inside my mouth.

Kue Lapis. This was specially made by my late uncle's wife. Most of her pastries are delicious. Her Kue Lapis; I could never find any better outside. *still hold #1 in my list* ^___^

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Family Dinner [Lunar New Year] at Jade Marriott

Last Saturday, I and family had a dinner at Jade Marriott which has been reserved two weeks before in welcoming the Dragon Year. Aside of its attentive waiters, the food itself is really disappointment.

Starter - This has been a booming in my hometown. I used to have this back then at KL.

Shark fin Soup - It was not great nor bad. And there was a little amount of shark fin. Perhaps of the rare goods in the market.

The prawns were boiled and covered with mayonnaise. 

Broccoli.Clams.Sea Cucumber.

Lotus Fried Rice. I prefer our dad's fried rice. *oh~ craving for it now*

Sweet and Sour Fish - Without its sauce, the fish is bland taste.

Bakul fritter - too hard.

Dragon Fruit - nice theme was given by the chef.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Foods to Our Ancestor

It is the time again. Chinese New Year Eve where most chinese will be busy in preparing foods for their ancestors - including the mom. I was not a big help because could not cooking. I just helped out with table setting ^^

Feels like a princess with a delicate foods.

Khao-bak - This is the highlight of my day.
Bir Bintang the pride of Indonesia. hahaha
Oh my goodness, I forgot to photograph the mom's fish-ball soup and chicken. Maybe next year. *sigh* 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

새해 복 많이 받으세요 [Happy New Year]

Yeay~ finally the long anticipation has come its end - I bought several foods online ^^. Luckily they arrived just before Chinese New year. So glad~ can not wait to give them a try and HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE~

밤만쥬 [bam man jyu] - bread with chestnut innards. 

칼로리면 [khallolimyeon] - several rice noodles.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Dunkin Donut

Morning~ Have you dunked your donuts? The day before, I bought some donuts for my breakfast. Though I want to try most of them; sadly Dunkin' Donuts tends to be hardened if you consume them until the next day.

Bought only 2 Donuts and accompanied by Nespresso Decaffeinated Lungo.

Yeah I successfully spoiled my Chocolate Donuts.
No more moist and hardened in every bites.

Snowy sugar
With Duiran Innards.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Forever Young...INDEED

A conversation between 2 workers during bosan hours. LOL. fyi, both of us are already in late 20's ckckck~

Merryana says:
Kill me kill meHahahahahhahaYou kill i
I kill you

cita says:
ga ada emoticon "gun"
ga bisa kutembak

Merryana says:

Donlod khua ada bo

cita says:
malas download la

Merryana says:

Dor dor dor
Matek lu

cita says:
ga kena ga kena

Merryana says:


cita says:
gaya kungfu panda di episode terakhirnya
mengembalikan smua peluru ke kamu

Merryana says:
Perisaiiiiiiii pake meja
Melompat dgn cepat ke balik meja
Lsng melempar bom tgn

cita says:

tok tok tok tok tok tok tok

Merryana says:

cita says:
tp dah sempat gwa meloncat ke dalam kolam renang

Merryana says:
Serangan beruntun
Isi peluru pistol kembali
Dor dor dor
Trus ambil bazoka

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bird Nest Soup

Bird Nest Soup used to be not in my favorite dessert. Picturing how the bird uses its saliva to create a nest; was disgusting. I used to be a sterile-type hahaha. I could not eat or drink something that has been used by others. But that was all in the past though have some limited to family and close friends only hahaha...

Ever since I was forced to consume it many times (not because I am not healthy); I am starting to like it so much as I grow older. *knowing its health value more ^^

Bird Nest Soup. This is the mom's version. Less water more of its Yen-wo. Taste like jelly. Yummy~

Kolesem. *sounds like that haha*

Tong zhong xia zhao.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My True-Story Horror Comedy

This story was some time ago when I was helping my friend to delivering something to one of our friends' house. 

That Sunday, the rain fell shyly since morning. After meeting up some friends; before I went back home, I dropped by to the delivering the thing.

Arrived in front of two-story house and decorated by a thick steel gate. 

I called my friend but she was not at home. So I asked if  there was anyone in her house so I could just handed the thing. Luckily there was.

Searched for the bell and pressed it once, twice but to no avail. I kept on pressing and waited under the rain for a while and...the thick gate glided open. I was expecting someone to greet behind the gate but I found no one. *shivering*

Since it was opened, I made my way in its garden. Not trying to go inside the house. Still waiting for someone to come out from the house. *yeah I'm all manner* BUT, the gate that once opened for me has now closing by itself. 

omg, what should I do? I asked to myself. Should I go out or stay inside? the feeling right then so scary. It was a very quiet neighborhood and it was like I entered a haunted house. hahaha

"Hello~~~" I called…once…twice…and *putting a SFX: Jreng-Jreng* a grandma suddenly appeared right in front of me as I was entering inside the house.

oh my goodness grandma…please say a word when I called. I almost died heart-attack because of your sudden appearance. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Fried Green Bean

Thinking of what to eat everyday is burdensome and I am worry free now. The mom finally back from her vacation. She must be very tired to think our daily menu for years. I am really fortunate and treasure each of her dishes even more than ever.
Next time, I am going to upload all of the mom's homey dishes ^^. Today, It is one of my favorite snacks - Fried Green Bean. I was introduced this snack by the mom when we were visiting my elder sister at Batam last year.

Fried Green Bean. Though it was already overnight, it is still yummy ^^. Thanks the mom for buying back from Batam.

Innards - beans beans and beans.

Recently I am too absorbed into cutting fruits by early morning. I find peace while I am peeling and cutting fruits. Don't you?

Korea Pear. Okay I am still no good with the knives. *learning hard

Monday, January 16, 2012


It was gloomy every single day. To avoid the rain, I drove myself to Fusion Bistro. There was only one customer as I reached; which was a surprised due to lunch hour.

French Chicken Sandwich - IDR 46.2K. Despite its over-fried fries, the sandwich is good.
But where was my Americano? They have forgotten my order. In the end, I canceled it.
Fusion Bistro
Cambridge City Square

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Ramen Bokki

Good Morning~ I woke up surprisingly early. Unlike normal breakfast I usually have - a cup of coffee and 2 pieces of biscuit and I am ready for work. Since I had plenty of time, I made myself Ramen Bokki which I had bought it for weeks. 
Ramen Bokki - noodles in Gochujjang (red pepper paste). Just like in tteokbokki (rice cake) sauce.
White package - dried vegetables. Red package - Gochujjang.
Cook the noodle with 200ml of hot water, together with it dried vegetables.
As I was waiting for my noodles (4 minutes). Prepared myself a hearty fruits - Persimmons. This is one of my favorite fruits.
Finished. Do you spot any weird in my ramen bokki? hahaha~
I just realized that I should throw all the water and then pour in the Gochujjang, stir well and that is how Ramen Bokki supposed to be. I am going to try it again some other time and will upload the proper way in preparing Ramen Bokki.