Monday, January 30, 2012


Feeling like I am going to fall sick anytime soon. Or is it because of the weather these days. It is extremely hot outside. If not because of hunting a gift for Woongkook; we (Sylvia, Merry, and me) wouldn't have going out today and stayed at home. 

SUN Plaza is crowded and it is no surprise anymore.  Not just myself, but Sylvia and Merry also felt so dizzy because of the crowds. Quickly we bought the gift, and tried to find a place to settle our dizziness which is another adventure. Lucky Breeks cafe have some seat for us.

Merry had had her lunch by 5 noon. Sadly she had to eat a overly dry Chic Strips Pasta. *too dry*

Sylvia is being excited for her autumn korea soon *9 months to-go*, Kept questioning what to prepare. Being a little proud *grin*; Merry and me who had placed our feet on the land of the morning calm, telling our great escapades last spring 2011.  

The more we were narrating our stories, the more excited Sylvia is. In a glance, our Waffle Fries was quickly finished. Yeah we were talking much about Korean street foods that must be eaten during our stay. *a sudden hunger strikes now…*

I can't wait for my autumn escapades too~ enjoying hot Americano and  Brownies during cold weather is more delicious he he he~

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