Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I Stop Believing Santa When

When was the time you actually stop believing about the existence of Santa? I stop when Santa never comes over to my house and gives me present. Countless tricks I got from my friends and followed them and they just never worked for me. 

The one that I still remember was when I was in 3rd grade. A friend told me to place your should at the front door and put lots of leaves inside your shoe. By tomorrow, I would get my present from Santa; she guaranteed it. Early morning, I ran down to the front door. Hopefully Santa would placed my present. Disappointingly there was nothing. Since then, I stop believing that there is Santa in this world. 

This year, a Santa came to me. A personalized Santa came with a personalized mug. It was a black color mug and when I poured in a hot water in it, slowly the mug changed into white surface and the picture started to be seen. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Last night my whale sent over me a Chocolate Croissant from my favorite pastries Matador. It was late and I decided to make it as my breakfast this morning. Since I do not own any advance kitchenware like Microwave or Oven; I tried to use a pan instead.

I used a decent amount of unsalted butter and very small fire to reheat this croissant. It did take much time to make its chocolate inside to melt. Patience is the key. And its surface was not fluffy but more to a crunchy side. It is krezzlicious.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


It is like my birthday everyday. Wawa keeps giving gifts though I insisted him to not buy anymore. We had our first trip to Singapore, He cheated that had to go to toilet. I waited long enough; had a flash thought that he might really go to buy me things but I was too busy gossiping with my friends. And when he came back, his right hand already held a big bag with Nespresso container in it. 

When I shared my story with friends. They said that it is because me and him are still in early stage of relationship. There would be less surprises and gifts in the coming years. I have been living without expecting gifts or surprises so I will live more comfortably with just care and communication.

What a coincidence, my friends (E & J) also bought me a Nespresso capsule as my gift. I never expected it. Thank you so much. I wish could treat you guys meals when I was there.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Small Birthday Celebration

It was my first birthday to celebrate with him but kinda sorry that I did not have much time for to celebrate. I was busy to entertain my foreign friends who came visiting Medan to join in L's wedding on the same date of my birthday [December 2nd].

After sending one of friends who was on the late flight to hotel. In his car, he gave me his DIY birthday card and a black case beautified by a teal color ribbon followed in. It is a wrist watch. Thank you so much; even in a limited time, you still give me a fireworks during my birthday . It does not have to have gifts or cakes  I am already grateful by a birthday greetings and wishes.

The next day, he insisted to buy cakes for me to make a wish. Thanks you~

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Seoulmate 2.0 p.10

We tried to catch a free shuttle bus to Everland and I think that we had just missed the bus so I came out with the idea to take a taxi instead. Since there were 6 of us, we need to take 2 taxis. I sent 4 of my friends successfully. I and with the other friends; encountered a little duck-&-chicken conversation with the driver. What surprises me that not all the taxi driver know about "Everland" which they need to state out its precise location. To tell the truth, I did not know that Everland is located at Yong-in. So, when the taxi driver said," Yong-in Everland?"; I just answered it "YES". Lucky that I was right HAHAHHAHAHA~

I never thought that I would have much much much fun in Everland though I was not riding any rides in there. Curious what I was doing there? I walked, ate, walked, ate, walked, ate, walked, and ate. The weather was just right. Not to hot nor cold and I could enjoy ice cream again. By the way, I really like Pino-stick; a sweet potato stick. It is sooooooooooooo goood. 

I like their uniform. A hat is worn as well but these two might have their time break. Its uniform delivers a fairytale vibe. I would have one more picture with a male guard if my friend did not failed to press a shutter *seriously wanna choke her*.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Seoulmate 2.0 p.9

I think Korean people love to express their affection to their love ones with message. As I walked the whole building of Ssamziegil, all of its wall are covered with messages. 

If there is padlock messages on NSeoul tower, there is "what should i call for this?" message. All the messages were hung all the areas, fences, tress, benches or anywhere that you would like to place it.

I was so tired and wanted to roll my body back to the hostel. My legs were about to fell apart so I randomly entered cafe around Ssamziegil. Another message cafe. So many papers under the table and some are hung on the fences. And I did mine. I am not a good in drawing though graduated in design. *shame*

Friday, November 23, 2012

Seoulmate 2.0 p.8

I really fall in love with Samcheong-dong. It is a quiet neighborhood with lots of unique store. Not only of their products but also their way in decorating the stores. Every single store will attract your eyesight and would like to go inside to have a look. I wish I have more cash and would have bought many many many things from each store. Will go back there if I visit Korea in future.

I found this car was parked in a unique way. The owner might be an interesting person. Wish to know its owner.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Seoulmate 2.0 p.7

Right after our DMZ tour, I and with some friends supposedly to meet the other friend at "Anguk station exit 2". None of us had a proper meal since morning, hungry, tired and more depressed to follow when we could not meet our friend. 

The other friend already waited for us in anguk alone.
Waited near Dunkin Donut to get a free wifi.

When I saw a subway written "130 jongno-3-ga". I asked my friend who leaded us to these place; I ensured her that we might get off to a wrong place as I pointed to the signage. She insisted that we were on the right track and taught me what the signage meant - "it means 130 meter to jongno-3-ga"

Disbelief of what she said; I asked an ajusshi nearby and YEP we got off to a wrong place. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

His Birthday Prank

The day before his birthday, I and with some of my friends decided to celebrate with him. All of us were so excited because of a prank. We requested the baker to put lots of wasabi in cupcakes but it was changed into chilli powder. Requested to put lot lot lot lot lots of it. Disappointingly, it was not as hot as we were expected. The spiciness should be like the one I ate in Korea. Only a bite, I had teary eyes, sweating, spicy hot inside my mouth and it was like a war happening in my stomach. Since then, I did not want to try eating a chili anymore.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Seoulmate 2.0 p.6

"uwaaaaaa~ it is teddy bear!!!" no no no, I am female but not a fan of dolls since a kid. Perhaps I always play police and thief with my little brother so I am more on the action type. We went to Teddy Bear Museum to enclose our Jeju trip. Had no idea why there is such museum. 

They are dolls with the same expression, different clothes and different setting. s.t.i.l.l. they are dolls. Will I get a punch because of my comment? *oops*

In its souvenir shop, I planned to buy some for friends and families. I was holding a  keychain *krw 7,000 made in china*. Then I found out only left KRW 10,000. Tried to seek some money from friends but they were still busy with the dolls upstairs. So I keep my cash in wallet hoping it will double up. 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Seoulmate 2.0 p.5

It has been only for few days, and my legs were in pain already. Day and night, we walked, walked and walked. At the point, I fell like I was not walking anymore but dragging my legs to move forward. It will not happening if I wear a comfort shoe.

Bought a pair of shoe - Babara. It is a Korea local brand. Though a little expensive but I am glad to buy it. It is comfy yet stylist isn't it?

Friday, November 16, 2012

Seoulmate 2.0 p.4

And the Jeju adventure has begun. Decided to hire a private taxi to explore the island. The first stop was Manjangul cave. In there, it was dark, chilly and the path is stacked with peebles or rocks so a comfort shoe for walking and light jackets are recommended. 

I might not have a good time down there if I was not walking with my friends because I not a fan of rocks. Since we are foreigners, we did not afraid to sing a song or talked in a loud volume.  The probability for others to understand our conversations were very very very low. 

The wind blew strongly at Seongsan Ilchulbong. If you are under 40 Kg, you might gone with the wind. Ok, I am joking. hahaha~ but it is true that that I had a hard time to walk against the wind. When I loose myself, I would walk according to the wind direction. 

I had fun with the stairs because I like sports. Another version of my friends who drained out who seldom doing sports. As I hiked, my stomach growled. Lucky there is a mini mart and had this pork sausage. A great snack to give it a try. 

A little panting and it is a great achievement to see this beautiful view. No other voices but the whisper of winds (ok~ lots of people chit-chating as well). But it is so relaxing up there. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Seoulmate 2.0 p.3

I am not a beach type (I like mountain more) but Jeju is the exceptional. Not because Jeju is part of Korea then I like it. Will cover it later. Sadly I did not have plenty of time to explore the whole attractions in here. 

Everyone who crossed the yellow line is an aggressive type I assumed. Ah~ I remembered that I encountered to line up for flight check-in in Jeju. Mostly the Jeju ajumma would cut the line and proudly stand before you - with zero guilt. And I was like "er~ how could you…". I was not angry about it. More like a kid whose sausage being snatched away by the bullies. Same goes with the ajumma, you will understand what I am trying to describe these ajumma.

Not forgetting to mention that I experienced something that you might not have the chance to - losing a passport. No, it was not mine but my friend.  Basically the first day in Jeju, I explored Jeju International Aiport……….and airport police bureau. The officers in there are helpful compare to ours. Though their english is not that good but they really showed a great effort in trying to find the lost passport. Glad that the passport still can be found on the day. phew~

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Seoulmate 2.0 p.2

Heading back to Hotel PJ for check-in and rushing to bring our luggage to Studio41 hostel at Hongdae before we left for Jeju the next day. We wanted to visit the flea market (every saturday till 5 PM). Lucky was not on our side; reached the hostel just right on 5 PM, so maybe next time visit. 

It was my first time to stay in hostel and collected a great experience during my stay in there. During morning, everyone were busy preparing a breakfast. No, they were all residents in this hostel. Without hesitation, I greeted everyone a warm smile and "good morning" and they will reply in the same way or maybe in a way better than mine. Seriously I have fallen in love with this hostel which the hosts are all very friendly, attentive and helpful. No worries, they are all well english spoken. 

You can check their website page. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Seoulmate 2.0 p.1

Finally I went back to Korea for vacation. I was expecting autumn season but it was not at its peak yet. Could see some leaves were already in red too. It is very beautiful and romantic. We reached Seoul in the morning, bought our T-Cash and headed to Hotel PJ (Chungmuro Station).

We were all drained and need to walk stairs up-&-down dragging our luggage. It was pretty tired. So my recommendation, if you have a big luggage, don't ever use subway. It will be much much much burden.

Reached hotel but were not allowed to check-in before 2PM so it's time for shopping at Myeongdong. It is not far from our hotel. Walked about 5-10 minutes and it's already a shopping mecca. I was not in the mood of shopping yet because the next day we had to depart for Jeju. As the rest were happily shopping, I without a guilt to eat more street foods.

JjinPPang - Chinese red bean paste bun. This is sooooooo good. Besides its cheap price (KRW 1,000) and a palm size, the bun is soft, the fillings is rich, moist and not so sweets. The weather was windy and had this steamy bun is heaven. I wish to go back there to have this buns again. yummmmmmmmyyyy

Monday, August 13, 2012


Breakfast - Sandwich: eggs, cucumber, chick peas. 

Lunch - left over chick peas and fried egg. Had a bowl of dessert - glutinous rice porridge

"Am I taking it too harsh?" At the beginning, I asked myself when I refused to hang out with them. Started to waver when they persistently asking me to have dinner together. We have already not meeting each other for 2 weeks. Yes!!! it's a bizarre thing among us. We hung out every weekend and chatted every single day. oh~ I chatted less these days too. Focused more onto my work. Okay I was distracting myself from thinking about them.

I knew right away when almost tear up - I am just not ready yet. Just when I'm stronger enough, I will walk to them.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Breakfast - Chocolate toast. It could never gone wrong if it's chocolate.

Dinner at Spageddies - Vegetable Sizzeline, Tiramisu and Creme Bulle. I love to dine in here because only good foods serve in here and the waiter were indeed helpful and friendly. You can never get a wrong menu if heading here.

What do you think about "Street Dance 2"; the dancers were awesome and hot. From the beginning till its ending, I could see so many performances somehow this movie lacks of storyline in my point of view. And there is something mismatched. I remember the competition supposed to be in France but the dancers danced in Coloseum. eng~? did they move one of 7 wonders to France? Oh yeah I was distracted by Terabyte (Kaito Masai) in the movie. Fixed my eyes for his scenes only. Oh my~ he is cute cute cute~

Friday, August 10, 2012


Breakfast - I got the recipe from here Since I own no microwave in the house, so I used a pan, low heat fire, and a lid to secure the heat inside. TADA~ still get the melted cheese hence the bottom part of my bread was kind of burnt.

Lunch - Sempio Spicy Jjamppong. Its noodles was so sleek. Unlike most instant noodles, this noodles needs to be cook for 8 minutes and lots of water. And the flavor absolutely is an A class. 

Just before the day of Singapore birthday, D shared one of "shocking" news about LKY; that he might passed away but the media tried to not publish it. She heard it from one of the trustful source *she claimed*. Back at home, I spread the rumor to my mom and mom to my dad and dad to my sister. That's how the news spread; word of mouth indeed scary.

Mom and dad who were visiting my sister at Batam suddenly mom called me, "He is wearing RED SHIRT HAHAHAHAHA~" so yeah it's a rumor about LKY. Why would people create such a horrible news about him?

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Lunch - Spicy Ramen.
For the past few weeks, it's been a great transformation I made. Within those weeks, it's a tough weeks and realized that "friends" had played such a big role in my life. Been relying too much onto my friends. Now that each of us had to take different path but I'm still waiting in our hideouts. Hoping that one day, "you" might come back again. Sadly to face the truth which is not going to happen so I decided to leave everything behind and I'm not sure if we would go back and sit there again; on a good day.

I should not think too much or try to figure out something that is out of my reach. Pointless goals. Since I'm 29 year old, I should live my life as one and try not to seek for / think a life of 40s or 50s or 60s year old. Just stay pure and innocent and just when I'm ready, an opportunity for leaping a greater life might be spotted and grabbed.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Was chatting with my sister whom had moved to Singapore recently. She shared a lot about her little dino and sent some recent pictures of dino. She grew taller, rounded belly and chubby cheeks now. MY sister is worried that dino would turn into a fatty kid if stayed inside the house where all the junks and supportive granny are. So my sister had to drag dino to play outside the house to get some exercises.

I remember when I was kid; our mom would never allowed us to eat many junk foods. Many times, I and my brother had to performed "mission impossible" and ate a spoon of Milo or chocolate rice which mom intentionally stored them high in cabinet. Good teamwork we had and never be caught by mom ^_^

Thursday, August 2, 2012


[Keyboard clicks] X X X X
wrong passcode. Try again

[Keyboard clicks again] X X X X
Wrong passcode. Try again in 1 minute

Wrong passcode. Try again in 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes !!!!! it keeps accumulating *grrrr*

OMG!!! What am I going to do without my iPhone? You know the reaction when in paranoia state - mocked my phone for changing passcode itself or thought that the phone was being attacked by virus. I tried to be as calm as possible and searched for some helps from forums and all of them suggested to reset it to factory setting. Heol~ then I'm going to lose everything in my phone. And I have no other choices, I'm all prepared to lose all of it.

In the middle of updating its software, for one last try, I typed in the numbers and it matched *dancing dancing dancing*. I should had my brain checked before something worse to come.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


I hate some people who would park their car in arrogant way. Not stating that I'm a good driver but at least please park your car which doesn't block others' from using the road. Even I hit a long horn which gathered lots of attention, the owner didn't seem to bother in moving her car. She just kept on bargaining new watches. OH Maih Ghwat~ does she have a little conscious mind with her?

Friday, July 6, 2012


I met a guy whom I've never seen for years. We were a "nodding head" friend when I was a senior in Wushu and a Junior both in school and university. He earned a little recognition in my life because I never talked to him even once including exchanging our names. We knew each other when our names being called during the attendee session in Wushu.

And one fine morning, during a class break, a group of his girl friends paid a visit to my classroom (Junior High) and confirmed that "I am Cita". Without telling their intentions; just deposited on me their friendly smile and a question-mark.

Now we acted almost like a completely stranger and shared an awkward smile when our eyes meet.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


In the middle of exchanging "Good morning" with my fellow friends and enjoying my breakfast. My dad whom had just came back from sending off a family to the airport; preached such a "hurtful" words. Even though I've heard those words for many times but please don't ever used that words when the day is still innocent. I didn't seek your good compliments about me anymore because I already give up in hoping for one. This is the least I'm begging you.

Now that I had to drag the shattered soul to continue today's journey. It's going to be a tough day. I bet.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


As usual of me, soon as I sat in front my computer, "diligently" I finished several documents which had to be email before 9 A.M. As I was typing, spotted a dirt on my desk, I was going to scold to the janitor after I finished my documents (glad tha tI didn't) ;thought she didn't wipe my desk. Later on, I saw a greenish "dirt" hung on my left chest. Swung my hand to remove the "dirt" and it felt right on my desk. KYAAAAA!!!!!! it was CATERPILLAR.

2 hours earlier, as I was approaching my car at home yard, something hit on my left arm and had no idea what it was. KYAAAAA!!! it has been trekking part of body for quite long.