Thursday, August 2, 2012


[Keyboard clicks] X X X X
wrong passcode. Try again

[Keyboard clicks again] X X X X
Wrong passcode. Try again in 1 minute

Wrong passcode. Try again in 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes !!!!! it keeps accumulating *grrrr*

OMG!!! What am I going to do without my iPhone? You know the reaction when in paranoia state - mocked my phone for changing passcode itself or thought that the phone was being attacked by virus. I tried to be as calm as possible and searched for some helps from forums and all of them suggested to reset it to factory setting. Heol~ then I'm going to lose everything in my phone. And I have no other choices, I'm all prepared to lose all of it.

In the middle of updating its software, for one last try, I typed in the numbers and it matched *dancing dancing dancing*. I should had my brain checked before something worse to come.

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