Breakfast - I got the recipe from here Since I own no microwave in the house, so I used a pan, low heat fire, and a lid to secure the heat inside. TADA~ still get the melted cheese hence the bottom part of my bread was kind of burnt.
Lunch - Sempio Spicy Jjamppong. Its noodles was so sleek. Unlike most instant noodles, this noodles needs to be cook for 8 minutes and lots of water. And the flavor absolutely is an A class.
Just before the day of Singapore birthday, D shared one of "shocking" news about LKY; that he might passed away but the media tried to not publish it. She heard it from one of the trustful source *she claimed*. Back at home, I spread the rumor to my mom and mom to my dad and dad to my sister. That's how the news spread; word of mouth indeed scary.
Mom and dad who were visiting my sister at Batam suddenly mom called me, "He is wearing RED SHIRT HAHAHAHAHA~" so yeah it's a rumor about LKY. Why would people create such a horrible news about him?
AHAHAHAHAHA.. with that news, when people finally saw him, he received more love than ever before.. :) he's a still one great grandfather of the nation..