Saturday, February 25, 2012


Saturday also have to go for work and Today, I must have been bang on my head. I got up from bed 5.30 a.m, had my breakfast (2 pieces of cookies and "Valunto" espresso) doesn't sound like a breakfast ya...Later on, I got ready myself for work. It was only 7 a.m, when i left home; decided to buy another cup of coffee *AGAIN* at Dunkin Donut. Looked at the fresh baked donuts, I was tempted to buy but already had my so called breakfast.

Thanks to the mom who had bought these old fashion snacks home. It's been a while since I had them (already forgot when was the last time I had them).

Kue bola with gula melaka innards. It's sweet but not that sweet. Heavenly delicious.

Fried Banana. Though I prefer Steamed Banana but it tastes great after long time not eating the fried one.

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