Monday, August 13, 2012


Breakfast - Sandwich: eggs, cucumber, chick peas. 

Lunch - left over chick peas and fried egg. Had a bowl of dessert - glutinous rice porridge

"Am I taking it too harsh?" At the beginning, I asked myself when I refused to hang out with them. Started to waver when they persistently asking me to have dinner together. We have already not meeting each other for 2 weeks. Yes!!! it's a bizarre thing among us. We hung out every weekend and chatted every single day. oh~ I chatted less these days too. Focused more onto my work. Okay I was distracting myself from thinking about them.

I knew right away when almost tear up - I am just not ready yet. Just when I'm stronger enough, I will walk to them.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Breakfast - Chocolate toast. It could never gone wrong if it's chocolate.

Dinner at Spageddies - Vegetable Sizzeline, Tiramisu and Creme Bulle. I love to dine in here because only good foods serve in here and the waiter were indeed helpful and friendly. You can never get a wrong menu if heading here.

What do you think about "Street Dance 2"; the dancers were awesome and hot. From the beginning till its ending, I could see so many performances somehow this movie lacks of storyline in my point of view. And there is something mismatched. I remember the competition supposed to be in France but the dancers danced in Coloseum. eng~? did they move one of 7 wonders to France? Oh yeah I was distracted by Terabyte (Kaito Masai) in the movie. Fixed my eyes for his scenes only. Oh my~ he is cute cute cute~

Friday, August 10, 2012


Breakfast - I got the recipe from here Since I own no microwave in the house, so I used a pan, low heat fire, and a lid to secure the heat inside. TADA~ still get the melted cheese hence the bottom part of my bread was kind of burnt.

Lunch - Sempio Spicy Jjamppong. Its noodles was so sleek. Unlike most instant noodles, this noodles needs to be cook for 8 minutes and lots of water. And the flavor absolutely is an A class. 

Just before the day of Singapore birthday, D shared one of "shocking" news about LKY; that he might passed away but the media tried to not publish it. She heard it from one of the trustful source *she claimed*. Back at home, I spread the rumor to my mom and mom to my dad and dad to my sister. That's how the news spread; word of mouth indeed scary.

Mom and dad who were visiting my sister at Batam suddenly mom called me, "He is wearing RED SHIRT HAHAHAHAHA~" so yeah it's a rumor about LKY. Why would people create such a horrible news about him?

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Lunch - Spicy Ramen.
For the past few weeks, it's been a great transformation I made. Within those weeks, it's a tough weeks and realized that "friends" had played such a big role in my life. Been relying too much onto my friends. Now that each of us had to take different path but I'm still waiting in our hideouts. Hoping that one day, "you" might come back again. Sadly to face the truth which is not going to happen so I decided to leave everything behind and I'm not sure if we would go back and sit there again; on a good day.

I should not think too much or try to figure out something that is out of my reach. Pointless goals. Since I'm 29 year old, I should live my life as one and try not to seek for / think a life of 40s or 50s or 60s year old. Just stay pure and innocent and just when I'm ready, an opportunity for leaping a greater life might be spotted and grabbed.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Was chatting with my sister whom had moved to Singapore recently. She shared a lot about her little dino and sent some recent pictures of dino. She grew taller, rounded belly and chubby cheeks now. MY sister is worried that dino would turn into a fatty kid if stayed inside the house where all the junks and supportive granny are. So my sister had to drag dino to play outside the house to get some exercises.

I remember when I was kid; our mom would never allowed us to eat many junk foods. Many times, I and my brother had to performed "mission impossible" and ate a spoon of Milo or chocolate rice which mom intentionally stored them high in cabinet. Good teamwork we had and never be caught by mom ^_^

Thursday, August 2, 2012


[Keyboard clicks] X X X X
wrong passcode. Try again

[Keyboard clicks again] X X X X
Wrong passcode. Try again in 1 minute

Wrong passcode. Try again in 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes !!!!! it keeps accumulating *grrrr*

OMG!!! What am I going to do without my iPhone? You know the reaction when in paranoia state - mocked my phone for changing passcode itself or thought that the phone was being attacked by virus. I tried to be as calm as possible and searched for some helps from forums and all of them suggested to reset it to factory setting. Heol~ then I'm going to lose everything in my phone. And I have no other choices, I'm all prepared to lose all of it.

In the middle of updating its software, for one last try, I typed in the numbers and it matched *dancing dancing dancing*. I should had my brain checked before something worse to come.