Wednesday, May 30, 2012


There was no one's birthday that night but we kept insisting CT (birthday soon) to pay for our dinner. We didn't prepare anything. Instead of the cake, we used onde-onde which is a complimentary from the restaurant. We asked for a candle but the waiter thought we were jokingly wanting it. Later she gave us the candle too. Then we sang happy birthday song for CT. I could sensed the whole eaters at that night glimpsed at our tables. It was an embarrassing yet I (we all) had a good laughter. It has been a while we laughed till cried. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


The day I witnessed a unique rainbow is a miracle. Please come to me more often. I wanna be like that rainbow. Need no mutual approach but the surroundings know its charm and wanna be friend. In the end, they are creating a harmonious picturesque.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


I can tell that I am no good in taking care of myself. When mom is out of town, I would not have a proper meals the whole day. A biscuit and a cup of coffee is my all day menu from Monday to Saturday. Especially these days, I am so lazy to think of what to have for lunch but I am so wanting to get a fresh air. The farthest destination I could think of is going straight home where I could freely laid down on Sofa and watched TV. That's my heaven.

By night, I don't dare to go home too early if I hadn't had my dinner because dad would asked me what I had for dinner. I am a bad liar so prefer to call out my friends who have time for dinner together or I would just stayed a little longer in office. 

Had a hardcore detox after days without proper meals and fiber. As we scooped our foods, my friends shared their "relationship" progression. Since we were placed in a VIP room, we wisely used the whole room, didn't feel insecure of the eavesdroppers. At first, I did feel insecure because both of them would not have as much time as they used to chat with me again especially by the nights. But I should not neglected their personal lives. I should be happy about it and I do. 

I am sensing a good news - which will be happening real soon from both of my friends. Ouch two lovey dovey friends. You know that I'm sincere right? though I'm lacking in expressing it. ^_^

Thursday, May 10, 2012


These days, the rain isn't as charming as it used to be. I would say it's more like a typhoon rain? Many things were destroyed because of yesterday rain. Lucky enough my house to office is very near but almost trapped in traffic because the whole city blacked out. I drove myself in an alley which I've never been before to reach home. And this morning, the sky is clear again. 

I could see a busy week ahead due to my sister's vacation. Aih stress~ I always envy her slender and tall figures. She doesn't gain weight that fast and eat more than I do. This Saturday, she will be heading to Osaka with her friends. She doesn't travel much and this could be her first time to travel in a new place without any tour guide. Some more, none of them could speak Japanese. They must have a nerve.

Most of my family members might think highly of me when it comes to travel. Yeah among of them, I enjoy and travel the most. They always come to me and ask around. Why don't they just do some research? there are so many information on internet. I also gain my information from there anyway. Nevertheless, my sister came for advices. From hotels and itineraries. I just give her an advice - just go wherever you are happy and relax. No need to be hustle bustle. Getting lost and asking for direction could turned into the most epic memento.

I saw this guy from social networking *pudding*. And he uploaded a piece of his self picture. Angle-wised He resembles Park Shin Yang. Most of my girls knows that I idolized Park Shin Yang that much. With much consideration like "should I, May I, am I too showing my affection?", I placed my comment. Later on, he replied. HE REPLIED...WUA~ I surely am happy that he replied though it was just a small "thank you". It feels like getting a personal reply from Park Shin Yang.ha ha ha~

Monday, May 7, 2012


I was excited to received a postcard from L - she is having a 3-months vacation. Wew~ I envy her so much. I just started liking postcard when I traveled alone to Melbourne. Without a fixed itinerary, I leisurely walked around the city and parks for a week. I did feel lonely when at there especially at night. Being alone in hotel room could be scary too and for a week, I intentionally turned on the TV as my lullaby. Mostly at night, I missed my family and friends and that moment, I know a little meaning of having someone around you - to share some stories. That's why I decided to write a postcards for friends and families while I traveled. 

I visited several souvenir shops to find a good piece of postcard ,sat at an open air coffee shop (it was winter when I traveled ^_^) and wrote my stories. It was a great experience and has becoming my hobby in collecting postcards especially the written one.

My ex-housemates had a small gathering at Sydney and sent me their lunch (Korean Noodles). I was so wanting to choke the three of them. ck ck ck~

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Another tough week but I am so glad to meet J. Hihihi I am not sure when both of us can be this close. Let me think….SERIOUSLY I forgot it. Well it is all in the past. The most important is now. I can share about anything to her. We exchanged "Omayo" every single day and I can not wait to travel together. It will be a blast won't you agree?

We stopped by at independence coffee shop and soon as I arrived, they dug the whole behind-the-scene of my Kinabalu trip especially J! She believed that she'd been fooled by me but only to her, I've ever mentioned that M would be joining me to climb. Sadly she had forgotten and I am not at fault.For the first time, I told them the whole story and I strongly announce that I am not growing feeling towards M and seems like will never be. Okay let's end the M topic because I've coming clean and it's all in the past. hi hi hi~

Last night we had a deep talk. Like what we want in our lives. We - ladies always saying that we only want a "simple" life. It is a subjective answer. As strange as it can be, when we open our "simple" cover, actually we know things we don't like / want. 

We discussed for long and closed with none answers. But it stills a good discussion. As usual, J always had fried rice during her visit here. 

J claimed those potato lovers' as hers. But it left her a big disappointment because there was so little cheese. ha ha ha~

We never left out Tahu-Pong. Still good just like our friendship. teehee~