Saturday, May 12, 2012


I can tell that I am no good in taking care of myself. When mom is out of town, I would not have a proper meals the whole day. A biscuit and a cup of coffee is my all day menu from Monday to Saturday. Especially these days, I am so lazy to think of what to have for lunch but I am so wanting to get a fresh air. The farthest destination I could think of is going straight home where I could freely laid down on Sofa and watched TV. That's my heaven.

By night, I don't dare to go home too early if I hadn't had my dinner because dad would asked me what I had for dinner. I am a bad liar so prefer to call out my friends who have time for dinner together or I would just stayed a little longer in office. 

Had a hardcore detox after days without proper meals and fiber. As we scooped our foods, my friends shared their "relationship" progression. Since we were placed in a VIP room, we wisely used the whole room, didn't feel insecure of the eavesdroppers. At first, I did feel insecure because both of them would not have as much time as they used to chat with me again especially by the nights. But I should not neglected their personal lives. I should be happy about it and I do. 

I am sensing a good news - which will be happening real soon from both of my friends. Ouch two lovey dovey friends. You know that I'm sincere right? though I'm lacking in expressing it. ^_^

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