Monday, May 7, 2012


I was excited to received a postcard from L - she is having a 3-months vacation. Wew~ I envy her so much. I just started liking postcard when I traveled alone to Melbourne. Without a fixed itinerary, I leisurely walked around the city and parks for a week. I did feel lonely when at there especially at night. Being alone in hotel room could be scary too and for a week, I intentionally turned on the TV as my lullaby. Mostly at night, I missed my family and friends and that moment, I know a little meaning of having someone around you - to share some stories. That's why I decided to write a postcards for friends and families while I traveled. 

I visited several souvenir shops to find a good piece of postcard ,sat at an open air coffee shop (it was winter when I traveled ^_^) and wrote my stories. It was a great experience and has becoming my hobby in collecting postcards especially the written one.

My ex-housemates had a small gathering at Sydney and sent me their lunch (Korean Noodles). I was so wanting to choke the three of them. ck ck ck~

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