Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Seoulmate 2.0 p.10

We tried to catch a free shuttle bus to Everland and I think that we had just missed the bus so I came out with the idea to take a taxi instead. Since there were 6 of us, we need to take 2 taxis. I sent 4 of my friends successfully. I and with the other friends; encountered a little duck-&-chicken conversation with the driver. What surprises me that not all the taxi driver know about "Everland" which they need to state out its precise location. To tell the truth, I did not know that Everland is located at Yong-in. So, when the taxi driver said," Yong-in Everland?"; I just answered it "YES". Lucky that I was right HAHAHHAHAHA~

I never thought that I would have much much much fun in Everland though I was not riding any rides in there. Curious what I was doing there? I walked, ate, walked, ate, walked, ate, walked, and ate. The weather was just right. Not to hot nor cold and I could enjoy ice cream again. By the way, I really like Pino-stick; a sweet potato stick. It is sooooooooooooo goood. 

I like their uniform. A hat is worn as well but these two might have their time break. Its uniform delivers a fairytale vibe. I would have one more picture with a male guard if my friend did not failed to press a shutter *seriously wanna choke her*.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Seoulmate 2.0 p.9

I think Korean people love to express their affection to their love ones with message. As I walked the whole building of Ssamziegil, all of its wall are covered with messages. 

If there is padlock messages on NSeoul tower, there is "what should i call for this?" message. All the messages were hung all the areas, fences, tress, benches or anywhere that you would like to place it.

I was so tired and wanted to roll my body back to the hostel. My legs were about to fell apart so I randomly entered cafe around Ssamziegil. Another message cafe. So many papers under the table and some are hung on the fences. And I did mine. I am not a good in drawing though graduated in design. *shame*

Friday, November 23, 2012

Seoulmate 2.0 p.8

I really fall in love with Samcheong-dong. It is a quiet neighborhood with lots of unique store. Not only of their products but also their way in decorating the stores. Every single store will attract your eyesight and would like to go inside to have a look. I wish I have more cash and would have bought many many many things from each store. Will go back there if I visit Korea in future.

I found this car was parked in a unique way. The owner might be an interesting person. Wish to know its owner.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Seoulmate 2.0 p.7

Right after our DMZ tour, I and with some friends supposedly to meet the other friend at "Anguk station exit 2". None of us had a proper meal since morning, hungry, tired and more depressed to follow when we could not meet our friend. 

The other friend already waited for us in anguk alone.
Waited near Dunkin Donut to get a free wifi.

When I saw a subway written "130 jongno-3-ga". I asked my friend who leaded us to these place; I ensured her that we might get off to a wrong place as I pointed to the signage. She insisted that we were on the right track and taught me what the signage meant - "it means 130 meter to jongno-3-ga"

Disbelief of what she said; I asked an ajusshi nearby and YEP we got off to a wrong place. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

His Birthday Prank

The day before his birthday, I and with some of my friends decided to celebrate with him. All of us were so excited because of a prank. We requested the baker to put lots of wasabi in cupcakes but it was changed into chilli powder. Requested to put lot lot lot lot lots of it. Disappointingly, it was not as hot as we were expected. The spiciness should be like the one I ate in Korea. Only a bite, I had teary eyes, sweating, spicy hot inside my mouth and it was like a war happening in my stomach. Since then, I did not want to try eating a chili anymore.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Seoulmate 2.0 p.6

"uwaaaaaa~ it is teddy bear!!!" no no no, I am female but not a fan of dolls since a kid. Perhaps I always play police and thief with my little brother so I am more on the action type. We went to Teddy Bear Museum to enclose our Jeju trip. Had no idea why there is such museum. 

They are dolls with the same expression, different clothes and different setting. s.t.i.l.l. they are dolls. Will I get a punch because of my comment? *oops*

In its souvenir shop, I planned to buy some for friends and families. I was holding a  keychain *krw 7,000 made in china*. Then I found out only left KRW 10,000. Tried to seek some money from friends but they were still busy with the dolls upstairs. So I keep my cash in wallet hoping it will double up. 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Seoulmate 2.0 p.5

It has been only for few days, and my legs were in pain already. Day and night, we walked, walked and walked. At the point, I fell like I was not walking anymore but dragging my legs to move forward. It will not happening if I wear a comfort shoe.

Bought a pair of shoe - Babara. It is a Korea local brand. Though a little expensive but I am glad to buy it. It is comfy yet stylist isn't it?

Friday, November 16, 2012

Seoulmate 2.0 p.4

And the Jeju adventure has begun. Decided to hire a private taxi to explore the island. The first stop was Manjangul cave. In there, it was dark, chilly and the path is stacked with peebles or rocks so a comfort shoe for walking and light jackets are recommended. 

I might not have a good time down there if I was not walking with my friends because I not a fan of rocks. Since we are foreigners, we did not afraid to sing a song or talked in a loud volume.  The probability for others to understand our conversations were very very very low. 

The wind blew strongly at Seongsan Ilchulbong. If you are under 40 Kg, you might gone with the wind. Ok, I am joking. hahaha~ but it is true that that I had a hard time to walk against the wind. When I loose myself, I would walk according to the wind direction. 

I had fun with the stairs because I like sports. Another version of my friends who drained out who seldom doing sports. As I hiked, my stomach growled. Lucky there is a mini mart and had this pork sausage. A great snack to give it a try. 

A little panting and it is a great achievement to see this beautiful view. No other voices but the whisper of winds (ok~ lots of people chit-chating as well). But it is so relaxing up there. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Seoulmate 2.0 p.3

I am not a beach type (I like mountain more) but Jeju is the exceptional. Not because Jeju is part of Korea then I like it. Will cover it later. Sadly I did not have plenty of time to explore the whole attractions in here. 

Everyone who crossed the yellow line is an aggressive type I assumed. Ah~ I remembered that I encountered to line up for flight check-in in Jeju. Mostly the Jeju ajumma would cut the line and proudly stand before you - with zero guilt. And I was like "er~ how could you…". I was not angry about it. More like a kid whose sausage being snatched away by the bullies. Same goes with the ajumma, you will understand what I am trying to describe these ajumma.

Not forgetting to mention that I experienced something that you might not have the chance to - losing a passport. No, it was not mine but my friend.  Basically the first day in Jeju, I explored Jeju International Aiport……….and airport police bureau. The officers in there are helpful compare to ours. Though their english is not that good but they really showed a great effort in trying to find the lost passport. Glad that the passport still can be found on the day. phew~

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Seoulmate 2.0 p.2

Heading back to Hotel PJ for check-in and rushing to bring our luggage to Studio41 hostel at Hongdae before we left for Jeju the next day. We wanted to visit the flea market (every saturday till 5 PM). Lucky was not on our side; reached the hostel just right on 5 PM, so maybe next time visit. 

It was my first time to stay in hostel and collected a great experience during my stay in there. During morning, everyone were busy preparing a breakfast. No, they were all residents in this hostel. Without hesitation, I greeted everyone a warm smile and "good morning" and they will reply in the same way or maybe in a way better than mine. Seriously I have fallen in love with this hostel which the hosts are all very friendly, attentive and helpful. No worries, they are all well english spoken. 

You can check their website page. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Seoulmate 2.0 p.1

Finally I went back to Korea for vacation. I was expecting autumn season but it was not at its peak yet. Could see some leaves were already in red too. It is very beautiful and romantic. We reached Seoul in the morning, bought our T-Cash and headed to Hotel PJ (Chungmuro Station).

We were all drained and need to walk stairs up-&-down dragging our luggage. It was pretty tired. So my recommendation, if you have a big luggage, don't ever use subway. It will be much much much burden.

Reached hotel but were not allowed to check-in before 2PM so it's time for shopping at Myeongdong. It is not far from our hotel. Walked about 5-10 minutes and it's already a shopping mecca. I was not in the mood of shopping yet because the next day we had to depart for Jeju. As the rest were happily shopping, I without a guilt to eat more street foods.

JjinPPang - Chinese red bean paste bun. This is sooooooo good. Besides its cheap price (KRW 1,000) and a palm size, the bun is soft, the fillings is rich, moist and not so sweets. The weather was windy and had this steamy bun is heaven. I wish to go back there to have this buns again. yummmmmmmmyyyy