Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Chocolate Pudding

I am in a pudding freak these days. Been reading lots of recipes and delicate to follow one. My first chocolate pudding (did not get to photo) was in very goey pudding. It has a very rich chocolate. I and bro enjoyed every bites. But my mom prefer a chocolate pudding with jelly. 

And the outcome did not meet my expectation. Forgot to whisk continuously and fold in sugar.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Land of Churros

I couldn't believe that I visited Spain but didn't get a chance to eat churros. Shame on me. It was real easy to travel from Morocco to Spain. We took a 45 minute ferry but I never be a fan of the sea. I had seasick. Though our tour guide told us we might have a chance to see the changes color of the sea as we were approaching Spain. I didn't bother to move around. 

The only churros I ate during my stay at Seville. It would be perfect they had a richer and thickest chocolate to dip in. On the other hand, the chocolate tart is superb.

Believe me. This salad is so fresh and sweet even without any dressing. For 10 days, I didn't workout and I gained zero weight because mostly I was fed with these salads and meat. 

I didn't like their beef though. It didn't taste like one. Prefer my home country beef.

Besides churros; tortilla also put its name on the list must eat.

It was winter but it didn't stop me to have this ice cream. LOL. I still remember the tallest ice cream I successfully made my friends to eat when it was the most windy and cold in Seoul. We were freezing cold and forced to finish the ice cream because couldn't find a trash bin and we weren't allow to get some heat in store with foods on our hands.

Friday, June 14, 2013


This is an overdue post. I had a business trip to Morocco and Spain last March. I should be blessed to get a chance for the trip. As a matter of fact, I did not have much fun. I prefer an independent trip rather than wasting too much time sleeping in a bus. Other reasons; perhaps I don't have families or friends to go with me. A two weeks trip, felt like a month.

So from Jakarta straight to Casablanca. I can tell you, it was a tiring flight. My body was worn out. A sprinkle of water on my face was a treasure. Morocco is part of  Africa. Yay~ I've been in Africa continents too. Surprisingly Indonesia passport holders doesn't need to apply for visa. I just knew it. I always find it tiring to apply visa from my home country. There are so many terms and condition to visit one country. 

I visited a few city in Morocco - Casablanca, Rabat, and Marrakesh. The first night in Morocco, I took a saddle from Kenzi Menara Hotel to local restaurant. It was windy and freezing that night. I hate when the horse jog too fast. I only put on a thin windbreaker and successfully froze me well. The ride took approximately 20 minutes and it was fun except for the smelly horse's dunk.

I didn't find much difficulty with the food. I could eat most of its local food though it can't make it to my one of my favorites. Most of their foods has this distinctive spices.

The food was set in buffet and all of them were served cold. Since I'm starving, I just ate everything to fill my tummy. Didn't care much about the taste. Glad that it was just a salad.

Here comes the main course - kebab. I would say my last day in Morocco have been completed by having this kebab. It is the best kebab I had. It was so flavor and tender.

There weren't much activity in Morocco. Most of my time wasted slept in the bus. And when I reached their tourist sites, there were closed due to our late arrival.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


I was an art student but my skills in drawing is a fail. Let me tell a little of my history. I was intending to major in photography (again I am not skillful); never have I crossed my mind to have take the drawing class when I was in sophomore. It was like living in hell. Every week, the lecturer threw us a homework - a hundred sketches. 

Never I appreciated my own drawing. Always telling myself and other that I'm really bad in drawing and never ever draw again. But only one people would praised my artwork. She is my lil dino - niece. She is 4 1/2 year old and so adorable, talkative, indeed very active lil girl.

Not only talkative but she could talk back at you with unexpected response and created a storm of laughter. She could speak mandarin but not hokkien. A little Bahasa and fluent in English. One night, she proudly (sok) showing off her brand new watch to us. Then her mother told us how sok-sok she was. Quickly she corrected her mother "Ey~ wei se mok ni suo wo sok-sok? - Hey why do you say me magniloquent?". We thought that she wouldn't know what sok-sok meant since she knows a little Bahasa.

Followed her jiu-jiu's sleeping attitude.