Tuesday, June 26, 2012


As usual of me, soon as I sat in front my computer, "diligently" I finished several documents which had to be email before 9 A.M. As I was typing, spotted a dirt on my desk, I was going to scold to the janitor after I finished my documents (glad tha tI didn't) ;thought she didn't wipe my desk. Later on, I saw a greenish "dirt" hung on my left chest. Swung my hand to remove the "dirt" and it felt right on my desk. KYAAAAA!!!!!! it was CATERPILLAR.

2 hours earlier, as I was approaching my car at home yard, something hit on my left arm and had no idea what it was. KYAAAAA!!! it has been trekking part of body for quite long.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


4 years I lived in Kuala Lumpur and never have I been robbed. Oh~ there was! It happened when I was in the third semester of college. It was during my final group project; my group decided to grab a lunch outside the campus and I was the only one who had a car. I already noticed a car (2 big size Indian) blocked my car. Didn't bother to shoosh them because they could see me already got in the car and would drive away. BUT, one of them stood at the side of my window so I opened my window. Not even finished my "can i help you?", he already switched off my car and took away the key. Blank blank blank mind I had at that time.

So I followed them to the bank to get more details. Everything has been put off. It was all misunderstanding. The car / person that they were chasing for; was neither of my car nor me. Bleh~ already humiliated me at the crowded that afternoon. I should get some compensation from the bank. haih~
A few days ago, I was informed by my bro - together with my dad who went to KL for business trip. On their way back to hotel after dinner (Kind of late already). They took a small alley near Sungei Wang. Around 10 Bangladesh men tried to rob my dad and my bro who walked a little behind yelled at them. The robbers must haven't noticed that my dad had a companion and they ran into the malls. Luckily nothing has been lost.

I wasn't intended to blog about this and because of D(eukyakyakya) whom didn't want to let me share with her privately and asked me to blog instead. I am feeling fortunate that I had those kind of experience so that in the future, I will be very cautious when signing a paper and stay away from quiet alley. hehehe~

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Blue blue blue blue. After lunch at home, I went to buy myself a hot americano and hojicha for my sister. We are not working in the same building now so I paid a visit at her place but she was not at there. Perhaps went for lunch as well. Not so usual of her to have lunch by 2 pm. 

I placed her hojicha on her desk and sat for a while before leaving. Then I overheard someone talked "bad" about my appearance. Though not all of them were bad comments but there were a few of compliments. The most uncomfortable is when he said that there would be a rain if I wear a skirt. Hmmm why do I have to put myself in a solemn? It's not like I never wear a skirt. I do wear a "little" feminine in a special occasion. He just never knew it.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Do you realize that June is soon leaving? I'm just adjusting myself with June and now we are preparing to say goodbye. The pace is a little faster than I have expected. Seems like I don't contribute much activity this month. All I can remember in June is "I am tired of dreams". It has been 2 months, I dream whenever I sleep...everyday. Not only my brain but the whole muscle of my body is worn out. I tried to drink less of caffeine, shower with hot waters. Failed. I will try to limit my thoughts and will only think about "one sheep two sheep three sheep....". Hope it works.

Friday, June 8, 2012


For days, I've been cracking my mind to think whereabouts my west coast trip photos. I even searched them in my dreams. I've failed to find but I still had a few saved on my phones...pretend to be relieved. I was unable to recall this time but quite amazed that I still remember vividly my childhood memories. 

Like when I was still in kindergarten. Just after we had finished our lunches, one of our teachers would guided us to toilet. whilst the others would cleaned up the mess in the classroom. So, teacher-A had already guided the marching student to toilet. I was left behind because teacher-B had asked me to help wiping the tables. Teacher-A came back, realized I didn't go for toilet and without hearing my explanation teacher-A punished me to stand outside the classroom. Teacher-A would let me joined the lesson until I apologized to her. Which I didn't want to. Though Teacher-B already explained the misleading situation; teacher-A kept her go. And so did I. In the end, I "apologized" to her after teacher-B insisted me.

Or, I and my little brother would played as CIA in catching drug dealers. yeap~ we were hongkong drama watchers. We used to live in a big warehouse. Combining our imagination, the set was perfect. Bro would used his hand gesture just like how a soldier trained to communicate while doing a mission. did the tiger jump, hid, shot and found the drug. To be sure IT IS the drug, we inhaled it through our nose. It hurt that much because it was an ajinomoto.

Oh my mighty brain, please regain your power to recall whereabouts the photos I've saved to. A.M.E.N~