Sunday, May 1, 2011


Time to shed some fats from our body. The schedule was riding a bike (rail-bike) and hiking!

Left Seoul for Gangwon-do. 10 am as we reached the rail-bike center. It was a sunny day but very windy. We were pedaling fast and chasing after the beautiful solemn picturesque that around us and greeting the farmers who worked in the paddy field thorough the cold weather. 20 minutes later, we've reached the rest stop and put the frozen face because of the chilly wind that hit 2 times colder as we pedaled. EAT ramen is the key to keep our body warm hehe...

We had a lunch at one of the familiar rest stop at the highway. It serves a korean buffet (KRW 6,000). Now each of us had enough energy to hike to the peak of Mt. Seoraksan (설악산).

At the top of Mt. Seoraksan, I stacked my lucky wish stone with a stunning spot. Bare in mind to carefully stacked your stone because if you're accidentally ruined others' stone; which means you ruined others' life.

Or donate (KRW 10,000) and write down your wish on the roof tile. They will be using the written wishes tiles when they built a house.

Even after the tiring activities we had throughout the day and been informed that there were no attractions around our hotel except some restaurants and minimarts. We managed to go out. It might be because of the cold weather, we decided to eat again; squid fried pancake (오징어 파전), Kimchi Jigae (김치 지개) and Bibimbap (비빔밥). No photos because our cameras ran out of juices.

I like its spiciness and sourness of kimchi jigae. It was the best I've ever taste. The kimchi must have been fermented for months! Definitely have to go back there because of the kimchi jigae and the friendly ajumma who is willingly to serve us in a late night and complimented my broken korean - "아줌마, 음식이 아주 짱!"

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