Saturday, July 14, 2012


I hate some people who would park their car in arrogant way. Not stating that I'm a good driver but at least please park your car which doesn't block others' from using the road. Even I hit a long horn which gathered lots of attention, the owner didn't seem to bother in moving her car. She just kept on bargaining new watches. OH Maih Ghwat~ does she have a little conscious mind with her?

Friday, July 6, 2012


I met a guy whom I've never seen for years. We were a "nodding head" friend when I was a senior in Wushu and a Junior both in school and university. He earned a little recognition in my life because I never talked to him even once including exchanging our names. We knew each other when our names being called during the attendee session in Wushu.

And one fine morning, during a class break, a group of his girl friends paid a visit to my classroom (Junior High) and confirmed that "I am Cita". Without telling their intentions; just deposited on me their friendly smile and a question-mark.

Now we acted almost like a completely stranger and shared an awkward smile when our eyes meet.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


In the middle of exchanging "Good morning" with my fellow friends and enjoying my breakfast. My dad whom had just came back from sending off a family to the airport; preached such a "hurtful" words. Even though I've heard those words for many times but please don't ever used that words when the day is still innocent. I didn't seek your good compliments about me anymore because I already give up in hoping for one. This is the least I'm begging you.

Now that I had to drag the shattered soul to continue today's journey. It's going to be a tough day. I bet.