Friday, April 29, 2011


It's officially 3 weeks since I came back from Korea. Still I have not finished covered up the whole trip in this blog. It is torturing to cover the whole story and I'm missing Seoul all over again.

Gyeongbok Palace (경복궁) & N Seoul Tower

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Had a lunch with family at Trattoria. It has been operated for several years but never had we pay visit at there. As I remember, they used to have a "leaflet menu" and now, they alrea are using a more proper way of introducing their food.

Complimentary Bread

Spinach Al Formaggio

Dori Fritto

Fusilli Ghibellini

Lasagna Al Forno

Crema Di Fungi

All the foods are quite pricey yet in big portion and cheers to Citibank credit card holders. Depending on how lucky you are; either to get 25%, 50% or Free. 

Spinachi Al Formaggio - IDR 31K
Dori Fritto - IDR 69K
Fusilli Ghibellini - IDR 68K
Lasagna Al Forno - IDR 56K
Penne Siciliane - IDR 66K
Crema Di Fungi - IDR 51K

Jl Uskup Agung No.17
Telp. (061) 4515166 / (061) 4537017

Friday, April 22, 2011

Daegu Part 2

안녕 대구!!!

We're a bunch of talented people (비슬도예원)
From hotel to 비슬도예원 (Bisl  Pottery Studio), took about 45 minutes. Along the way, we passed through a serenading scene. Also had I thought if I move in the country side. Far away from the city would be great. Cheongdo is such nice place for relaxation.

We've heard about wine which is produced with grape but in Korea, they have persimmons wine (Gam Wine Tunnel). It is new but the tunnel itself already exist since Joseon Dynasty (1898). And by 2006, The Gam Wine Tunnel opened its door to the public. As I know so far, there are 3 types of wine they've produced; Regular (KRW 10,000), Special (KRW 13,000) and Ice Wine (KRW 89,000). I like Ice Wine the best. It has the sweetest flavor.

20 minutes drive from Gam Wine Tunnel to Provence. Our private guide specially checked about this restaurant on the day before because she knew we're a bunch of Indonesian who likes to take pictures more than anything. Seriously this restaurant has a spacious beautiful gardens surrounds. For a camwhore like us; 2 hours is never enough.

Back to the center city and "shopping" is calling for the ladies. 대상로 (Daesangno) is like a replica from Seoul's 명동 (Myeongdong). These street is so busy because cars, motorcycles are allowed to drive in.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Daegu Part-1

Daegu is the third largerst city in South Korea after Seoul and Busan. It is famous for its sweet apples and pretty girls. According to our guide, most Miss Korea were from this province; Daegu. From time to time, when they were asked why they could get so pretty. It's because they eat Daegu apples during their younger age.

What to do in Daegu? we went to Art & Culture Museum. Definitely not a fan of arts but arts spoiler.

We were expecting for the cherry blossom along this street but blamed to the weather man who won't let the flowers to bloom until next week. Luckily there're few trees which started to bloom already.

Herb Hillz is another nice place to visit. This place is famous among the locals and since it was weekend,  lots of couples spent their time here. We spent more than 2 hours here just for shooting and our cameras ran out of juice. Definitely a bunch of camwhore.

For dinner we had 허브네 (heobuene) bibimbap. Unlike most bibimbap that contains meat. This bibimbap using flower and vegetables. It is even tastier than regular bibimbap.

From Herb Hillz, we were transferred back to hotel which took around 45 minutes. Our journey has not ended; without our private guide. We went out again. None of us knew about Daegu's attractions; unanimously we chose 서문 시장 (seomun sijang) as our destination and have eaten 왕 만두 (wang mandu). It's a dumpling and filled with vermicelli noodle. This is how you should eat: put chili powder and mixed it. It is tasty.

Did I mention how willingly Daegu's people want to help us? On the way we tried to buy subway ticket. Other than korean, she didn't know anything. Yet she helped and worried that we'd took the wrong train.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Seoulmate 2011

Happy April Fool!

Finally fly to S.E.O.U.L~
a joke? it's NOT. it's REAL!
9 months of waiting, we're going to conquer Seoul in 7 days. So much efforts have been put. From arranging our own itinerary which made lots of fuss. 3 participants couldn't make it. it is just a sad news. Nevermind. That was all in the past. Ahead, there's one of the most important to complete the whole progression; Let's have fun =)

다시 만난 세계~
서울, 내가 가겠다 ~