Sunday, July 25, 2010

비빔빕 (Bibimbap)

Another exhausting week has passed. Arghhh tomorrow back to work again. I’m totally worn out with the daily and weekly routine.
By morning, I would go to work with a decent spirit. The plan is set in order; neatly. By the end of the day, everything would tangled up. This is totally crazy life. IF the hardship I'm fighting right now; would bring a rewarding flavor like this bibimbap. I don’t mind to reorganize, get mixed up and savor the flavor of life later.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

*guk guk guk*

I always concern about my image to fellow co-workers so never have I show a glimpse of smile. There was a day, I chatted with Merry during working hours.

Cita: Kemarin gwa chat ma blacking goat (read: Merry). gwa dah malas chat ma dia..

C: Jadinya gwa balas dia dgn “guk guk guk”


C: gwa ga menyangka dia bakal membalas gwa dgn "miao miao miaoooooooo". gwa menahan ketawa ampe kepanasan, sengaja minum air...biar ga ada yg tau kl gwa lage senyum2

C: sialan tuh blacking goat.. miao miao miaoooo


Thanks to Jenny who eargerly note down this funny conversation. I utterly have forgotten about it.

My Debut

It's the time for me shifting from facebook to blogger. Why? I don't have own a reason though. eukyakya. Please root for me...!